In good hands.

The St Francis Foundation in Münster is a Catholic hospital service in North West Germany. It benefits from modern management processes and is dedicated to serving the common good. The Foundation is located in Münster and is responsible for fifteen hospitals, as well as nine institutions for the handicapped and the elderly in North-Rhine Westphalia and in the Bremen area. In addition, the Foundation is indirectly involved in the provision of ambulant rehabilitation centres, care services and hospices.
The core services are supported by commercial companies in the fields of logistics and facility management, which provide services for their own facilities and other facilities. Around 12,000 staff are employed in the Foundation’s facilities. They provide a top-quality service that is supported by advanced technical equipment. The Foundation's services reflect its ethos, and this is applied throughout the institution by its top-quality management. This ethos characterises all the areas in which the Foundation is involved.
The Foundation was established by the Order of Franciscan nuns in Münster St Mauritz, which had been actively involved in the care of the sick since 1844. The Order built and ran hospitals, which joined the Foundation in 2004, in order to ensure its long-term future and open up opportunities for development.